I've asked this question many times: Why don't some people understand that prohibition doesn't work? This applies to all things that the conservative right wants to prohibit: prostitution, porn, marijuana and other illegal drugs, abortion, etc. Today I was watching a Youtube video posted by jordanowen42 about why people laugh at the anti porn lobby. The man in the video- Pat Trueman- was urging Attorney General Eric Holder to vigorously prosecute adult pornographers in addition to child pornographers (which Holder has already hired an additional thirty five federal prosecutors to do so). Jordanowen does a great job deconstructing Trueman's argument, which includes arguments about rebelling against taboos imposed by society (I will try to post a link to his videos- I'm kinda new at this blogging thing so I'll see if i can get it posted). Anyway, at the end of the videos Trueman says that eliminating adult pornography will substantially decrease child pornography via the slippery slope argument.
The Slippery Slope Argument: You would start off by looking at milder forms of porn, and eventually deviate to child pornography or "other deviant material". Basically it's the same as the gateway drug argument.
The problem with this argument is that Trueman (as well as others that make this claim) is that everyone is different. Just because one person "deviates" into child pornography, dosent mean everyone that watches porn will. Simple as that.
Getting back to Trueman's final statement about eliminating adult pornography thus decreasing child pornography, we can see that it is a prohibitory statement. Do you really think that eliminating legit pornography is going to solve the problem? Hell No! Just because it would be illegal doesn't mean that it will stop people from making or buying it. It may stop some, sure, but not all. I have also made that argument for abortion, and I'm not for or against abortion.
Bottom line: Prohibition doesn't work! Why cant all the uptight conservatives see that????
This is a link to the video that I was talking about: